Robert Donnelly

indie by Choice ...


Robert Donnelly

The Life and Times

This website / blog was created in response to my winning the Casting Call Contest for the role of 'The Rat' in The Gunrunner Billy Kane. It was my first role in a feature-length indie film.

I've been active in theater and stage acting over the past forty years. I started acting in indie film about two years ago (early 2010) after a hiatus from stage, voice-work and other performing arts related things. I intend to continue in indie film and basically become an indie short film actor. My desire is to ((knock wood)) be cast in larger and perhaps more challenging roles, in short films, webseries, or if it happens - indie feature length films such as The Gunrunner Billy Kane.

Welcome to my journey. Long live indie film.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-- Robert Frost


This is general info about me...

I am most often a mature, highly intelligent, educated gentleman ...

I am assertive, amative, alluring, attentive, analytical, apolitical, arrogant, appealing, articulate, accepting, accountable, adventuresome, and alliterative ...

I am ... Alacrity ...

My general belief system encompasses what I refer to as soul evolution, which is similar to Taoism. Tao literally means "way", but can also be interpreted as road, channel, path, doctrine, or line. The word 道, Tao (or Dao, depending on the romanization scheme), is often translated as "path" or "way", but with a myriad of nuances in mythology and Chinese philosophy...

I'm an anarchist at heart, bohemian by nature, deviant by design ...

I believe you gotta challenge the unknown, laugh at the devil and dance like nobody's watching ...

I am also a 20-year cancer survivor of a choroidal melanoma ...

'Performing Arts Related' things...

stage actor
Horseback rider
ice skater
Ice Skating Teacher
voiceover artist
on-camera video talent
early 'videographer'
recent videomaker

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